O Napa Valley
January 22, 2014
I was to have spent this week presenting at the Worlds of Healthy Flavors, a conference held annually by the Harvard School of Public Health and the Culinary Institute of America. I have been going to it for years and years, always to bake whole grain breads and talk about making whole grains more genuinely appealing to those who eat them.
I love this conference. I always learn a lot about nutrition and diet; but the other day, I canceled my airplane ticket and my participation. And the wild mustard is in bloom.
Construction is now more than underway. We’re speeding ahead and it’s now possible to see through the erection of framing for walls the general shape of things to come.
We continuously discuss so many little matters and make little decisions. It’s the wrong time to be away from Bread Furst.
We can see the shape of the kitchens and the customer service line is being framed. Later in the week electrical work will begin.
The large bread oven was to have come this week and work was to have begun on its concrete foundation. But we got word last week that because of storms, freight traffic is backed up in the North Atlantic, an image that calls to my mind a line of ships waiting like a traffic jam on the Jersey Turnpike.
It doesn’t matter, however. At some point it will, but not now. We’ll go ahead as quickly as we can, finish the framing, start the walls, do the plumbing and electrical work, wait for Pepco to approve our outside electrical work, and hope that the oven will be delivered in two weeks.
So sorry you couldn’t have has the pleasure of baking your bread in the Napa Valley while your new bread place muddles along the construction process.
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 16:58:47 +0000 To: boikess@hotmail.com
You are missed here! Adam is doing a great job in your place.
Be well,
Bake Like a Mutha!